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erp software by market share Erp market software vendors shares forecast applications 2021

Today, we are going to talk about the current state of ERP applications. ERP, which stands for Enterprise Resource Planning, is a crucial part of many businesses. It helps companies manage their resources, streamline operations, and improve overall efficiency. In this post, we will explore the current market landscape and highlight the key players in the industry.

The ERP Market Landscape

Let's start by taking a look at the ERP market shares split by the top 10 vendors and others. The image below illustrates the market share distribution as of 2021:

ERP Market Share by Vendors

This visualization provides us with valuable insights into the competitive landscape of the ERP market. It shows the relative dominance of the top 10 ERP vendors compared to the rest of the players in the industry.

Gartner's Perspective

Another significant resource for understanding the ERP market is Gartner, a leading research and advisory company. They provide valuable insights and analysis on various technology markets. Gartner's blog network is a reputable source of information when it comes to understanding industry trends.

One of their blog posts in 2018 shed light on the ERP market trends. You can see the visual representation below:

ERP Market Trends by Gartner

The information provided by Gartner helps organizations understand the direction in which the ERP market is heading. It highlights the key trends and developments that businesses should be aware of when considering ERP investments.

Why ERP Matters

Implementing an ERP system can have numerous benefits for organizations. It allows companies to centralize their data, streamline processes, and improve efficiency. With a robust ERP solution, businesses can gain better visibility into their operations and make data-driven decisions.

ERP systems also help automate routine tasks, reducing the risk of human error and freeing up employees to focus on more strategic initiatives. By integrating different functions and departments, ERP promotes collaboration and communication across the organization.

Choosing the Right ERP Solution

When selecting an ERP solution, businesses should consider their specific needs and requirements. Do they require industry-specific functionalities? What are their budget constraints? Are they looking for cloud-based or on-premises solutions? These are some of the key factors to consider during the evaluation process.

It's important to carefully assess the features, scalability, and vendor support when choosing an ERP solution. Organizations should also consider the long-term partnership with the ERP vendor, as the implementation and maintenance require ongoing collaboration.


The ERP market is continuously evolving, driven by innovations in technology and changing business needs. Understanding the market landscape and trends is crucial for organizations looking to invest in an ERP solution. The insights provided by market analysis firms like Gartner can be invaluable for businesses seeking the right ERP system.

Remember, choosing the right ERP solution can have a significant impact on the success and growth of your organization. It's a decision that requires careful consideration and evaluation. By leveraging the knowledge and resources available, businesses can make informed choices and drive their operations to new heights with the power of ERP.